Welcome to Another Amazing Adventure!

We are a family of five (six of you count the dog) with wanderlust and a travel trailer. Our adventures began with our first official “family vacation” in 2014 to South Dakota, and over the years, we’ve continued to visit as many locales as possible.

We’ve begun documenting our travels and adventures in the hopes that we can both entertain and inspire those like us who feel the most at home when they are on the road. Sometimes, we have fun adventures. Sometimes we have exciting adventures. Sometimes, they’re mis-adventures. But they are always amazing in some form.

Consider yourself a fly on the wall (or a bug on the windshield, maybe…to each their own!). Join us for Another Amazing Adventure!


Mackinac Island, Michigan

Mackinac Island, Michigan

We decided to plan a trip around Michigan – not too far from home base, but still enough to see and do while taking advantage of the availability.

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